MacFarlane was appearing on a national television program so I went to get his autograph, as I had never had the opportunity to meet him previously. Just to show that you never know who you might run into when you are graphing in Los Angeles, Penn
Jillette of the magic duo Penn and Teller, showed up unexpectedly, signing an autograph for me. Former NBA player John Sally also exited from the studio, posing for a photograph and signing an autograph for me. Soon a limousine pulled up and Seth
MacFarlane exited, with the security guard telling us that
MacFarlane would sign on the way out. There were only two of us waiting so it was a bit disappointing that
MacFarlane did not take the time to sign at that point. After an hour or so in the studio,
Quaid exited the building, signing and posing for a photo with each of us. About 5 minutes before Seth
MacFarlane's show wrapped up taping, a rush of about a dozen collectors showed up. Having hoped that
MacFarlane would do "The Family Guy" sketches for us, this was now doubtful as the rush of collectors now included super aggressive dealers. Sure enough,
MacFarlane exited the building, grabbing a blue Sharpie marker. Seth signed my piece of blank art paper but ignore

d my request for him to draw "Brian" a character on "The Family Guy". Most collectors got 1 signature, a few got 2 but I actually ended up with 5 autographs. Besides the art paper, I also got 4 stills from "The Family Guy" signed. The autograph on the art paper was a very complete "Seth
MacFarlane" but the photos looked more like a "SM", typical of
MacFarlane's more recent signatures.

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