Living in Los Angeles, you just never know who you are going to run into. Sure there are events such as signings, premieres and parties where you go to it with the reasonable expectation of seeing celebrities. However, sometimes in the normal course of life in LA, you will encounter celebrities as well. This was the case on Monday evening when we went to The Grove, a shopping and restaurant complex, right next to CBS studios. We were dining at a restaurant and my sister spotted none other than Florence Henderson, Mrs. Carol Br

ady from the television show "The Brady Bunch." We waited near the restaurant lobby for her to leave so we could ask her for a photo. Apparently, she had attended a taping of "Dancing with the Stars" that evening and show contestant Jake
Pavelka was also at the restaurant. Florence was very nice, posing for a picture with each of us and quite talkative. We told her that we had seen her several times at the Indy 500 over the years, an event which she attends yearly. She also talked with us about actor Jim
Nabors, like herself an Indiana native who attends and performs at the Indy 500.
Fountains at The Grove:
More of the Fountains at The Grove:
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