Sammy Hagar had a successful solo career long before joining and leading Van Halen to some of their best selling albums. After Hagar left or was kicked out Van Halen in 1996 (depending on whether you believe Hagar or Eddie Van Halen's version of which occurred), he began performing with his new band, Sammy Hagar and the Waboritas. In 2009, a super group called Chickenfoot was formed, consisting of front man Sammy Hagar, fellow Van Halen alum Michael Anthony on bass, guitarist Joe Satriani and Chad Smith of the Red Hot Chili Peppers on the drums.
Prior to beginning a full North American tour in 2009, Chickenfoot had a few "warm-up gigs" to prepare and hone their show. On May 20, 2009, Chickenfoot played one of these pre-tour shows at the Roxy on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood. This show at the small venue Roxy was a big deal for several reasons. Sammy Hagar has a loyal fan following, Hagar's former band Van Halen had gotten their big break at the Whiskey-A-Go-Go club right down the street from the Roxy and the Roxy is a small venue that holds a few hundred fans compared to the concert halls, arenas and coliseums that Hagar and his band mates normally play.

After the concert we waited at the side door for the members of Chickenfoot to appear. Hagar signed 5 or 6 autographs as he was escorted to his car and whisked away. Joe Satriani came out the front of the Roxy unrecognized by most and he signed multiple items for us when we asked. Chad Smith came out later and signed a couple of items for everyone. As he was signing, Michael Anthony came out the front and joked, "Look! It's Will Ferrell" talking about Chad Smith who does indeed resemble the comedian. Anthony went upstairs to a bar above the Roxy and was up there for some time. When he finally left, it was quite apparent that Michael Anthony had partied a bit upstairs. Being an extremely nice guy, Anthony willingly signed for fans even though a lady with him kept telling him that it was time to go. In fact, Anthony was leaning against my sister, who was holding him up as his balance was off.
The band released their self-titled debut album, Chickenfoot, on June 5, 2009 with an appearance on Conan O'Brien's Tonight Show and an in-store album signing at Best Buy. My sister attended the signing, arriving at the store early to secure her place in line. Chickenfoot would be signing one item per person and it was limited to the new album released that day. Wisely, my sister asked a Best Buy worker if they had any copies of the Chickenfoot album on vinyl, not the standard CD. She was told yes, that the store had received only two LP copies of the album. My sister purchased the vinyl record album, which was produced in much smaller quantities than the CDs. To put this scarcity in perspective, there were hundreds of CD copies of the Chickenfoot album that day, yet just 2 of the copies were on vinyl. Besides being rare, the LP cover is much larger than that of a CD, thus being more aesthetic and allowing for larger and better autographs. It's a fact that the number of LPs that Chickenfoot will ever be asked to sign as a group will pale in comparison to the number of CDs that fans desire for the band to sign.

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