"Life is like a box a chocolates, you never know what you are going to get". The same adage can be applied to autograph collecting. Tonight, an adventure to Hollywood for "The Hills" star Lauren Conrad ended up with no Lauren Conrad autographs but three from one of the top actors on the planet...Johnny Depp!
Upon arriving in Hollywood, we found out that not only was Lauren Conrad taping a television appearance but Shia LeBouf was as well. Unfortunately, both celebrities had already entered the studio and would not be out for about an hour and a half. Across the street was an in-store appearance and signing by the cast of the new "Alice in Wonderland" movie at the Hot Topic store in the Hollywood Mall. Originally, I had heard that the actress who portrays "Alice" would be the only one appearing but, in fact it was several members of the cast, including Johnny Depp. With the purchase of a $25 t-shirt, you would receive a wristband which allowed you to have a poster signed by all attending cast members. The wristbands were already gone when I checked about a week ago but the value seems like a good deal for all the cast members.
The El Capitan Theatre across the street from the signing was going to show a 20 minute sneak preview of "Alice in Wonderland" after the store signing. Word had it that Johnny Depp would be leaving out the back door of the theatre afterwards, which was exactly the same alley behind the buildings where we were waiting for Lauren Conrad and Shia LeBeouf. I made the long trek down the alley to find Johnny Depp signing away and the crowd was out of control. I secured a place on the fence line and was able to secure two autographs at different times. My sister soon joined me and snagged a beautiful autograph on a "Pirates of the Caribbean" photo. Depp was about to ink another one for her later on until a pesky security guard pushed her photo away for some unknown reason. People in the crowd were shoving one another and it was a challenge to even position yourself at the right place to obtain an autograph. A couple of people even snapped photos with Johnny amid all the pushing, screaming and yelling.

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