Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Legendary Alan Parsons

Sound engineer Alan Parsons is a legend of the music business, being involved in the production of such iconic albums as The Beatles' "Abbey Road" and "Let It Be" and Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon".  In the 1980's his band, The Alan Parsons Project scored top 40 hits with the songs "The Eye In The Sky" and "Don't Answer Me".

At NAMM 2013 Parsons appeared at a booth and signed autographs.  We were tied up with another signing so we got to the booth just as Parson's time was ending.  One of the booth's workers informed us that the line was cut off and that Alan was already running over his scheduled time at the booth.  Being veterans of collecting autographs, we stuck around anyways and weren't about to give up.  Parsons was remaining seated at a table, with no line, so we knew that all hope was not lost.  Our persistence soon paid off and we were able to both get a photo with Parsons and eventually each scored an autograph from him.

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