Monday, February 18, 2013

Kaley Cuoco of "The Big Bang Theory"

Having met actress Kaley Cuoco of the hit television show "The Big Bang Theory" several times over the past 2 or 3 years, she is always sweet, signing autographs and posing for pictures with her fans.  Fortunately, in the past it has been in rather low-key situations, with not many other collectors around, so we have been able away with multiple autographs.  Tonight,unfortunately, the word was out among collectors that Kaley would be around.  When Kaley actually showed up, it was extremely overwhelming for sure with 25-30 autograph collectors and paparazzi waiting.  It became quite hectic and Kaley even politely asked everyone to line up and she would sign one each.  Of course, with collectors this never happened and after signing 3 or 4 autographs, Kaley would see that it was becoming chaos and stop signing.  After a little prodding from collectors, she would attempt to calmly sign autographs once again and the scene would repeat itself with it evolving into chaos amongst pushy collectors, once again.  This happened three or four times and we weren't going to contribute to the rudeness of the situation.  It just wasn't a good situation and it was a perfect example of why keeping your mouth shut and some things to yourself when it comes to collecting autographs can be a good policy.

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