Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Today was a successful day, with us scoring ink from baseball legend Don Mattingly and Cheech Marin. We got a tip on former NBA basketball player Kurt Rambis but we never did see him so we decided to call it a day. On the way driving home, I mentioned to my partner that the punk band Bad Religion was on a radio show this evening here in LA and that we could try to meet them since the show was ending in about 15 minutes. She agreed, so we raced over to the radio station, literally pulling up just as the show was winding down. We hopped out of our automobile, each grabbing a pickguard and waited for the band members to exit the studio. From listening to the final minutes of the radio show on the way over, we learned that only three of the members of Bad Religion showed up for the radio show. After waiting just a few minutes, all three emerged from the outer studio door together. I called over to them and asked if they would mind signing an autograph. They came right over and started signing for us. I told them that they were great on the radio and one of them asked, "Did you listen from the car?" I replied, "Yes, we we driving around and listening to you. You guys were great!" One of the other guys jokingly asked my partner how much a signed pickguard would sell for on eBay but then said that he didn't really care if people sold his autograph or not. Afterwards, we each were able to get a photograph with the members of Bad Religion.

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